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Venice BreakwaterVenice Breakwater

2016-08-21 01:54 来源:游四海旅游网 海岛关注指数:8228

Built by Abbot Kinney in 1905 to protect his amusement park pier, this is one of the few bits and pieces remaining of his dream community, Venice of America.
The only place on the beach to see waves break on both sides. Also has the finest sand for sand sculpture.
In summer only the north break is even halfway ridable, but when the winter storm swells come in, the five to seven foot point-break type waves at the south end are first rate.

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  • 热议话题:
  • 听风5看雨2014-06-30

    加入本地盛行的冲浪队伍中去吧!威尼斯海滩并不是本地冲浪专家们最爱的地方,但是浅浅的水域和并不凶猛的海浪让这里成为了初学者的最爱。其中比较好的地方是Venice Breakwater, 在威尼斯码头的北面。参加本地的冲浪学校如Surf Lessons with Katie都是开始接触这个运动不错的方式。